
Egyptian Koshari Recipe

Materials 🌰Humus Syurbah Materials: 3 handfuls of humus beans, soak overnight 2 sliced ​​onions / shallots 2 garlic, puree 1 1/2 teaspoons salt 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin 1 liter of water    Onion Water Ingredients: 5 garlic, puree 1 tbsp oil 1/2 teaspoon coriander powder 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin 1 teaspoon salt 1/4 cup lemon juice 1 cup vinegar 🍅 Ingredients of Tomato Sauce: 5-6 large red tomatoes + 1 red chili. Blender 6-7 garlic, puree 2-3 tablespoons of tomato paste 1 1/2 tablespoons salt 1 tablespoon granulated sugar 1 teaspoon ground black pepper 1 tsp ground cumin 3 tbsp oil 🍚 Egyptian Rice Ingredients: 3 cups rice, wash, drain 1 cup sya'rea (small noodles) 4 tbsp oil 5 1/2 to 6 hot water 🍝Macaroni Material: 2 handfuls of black fennel (brown) 500 gr macaroni (just free form) 250 spaghetti 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper 🥘Complements: Fried onions Syattoh (chili powder) * optional The day before, I soaked the humus bean

Dendeng Balado Recipe

Dendeng Balado Spicy Dendeng Materials 750 gr beef (sengkel, has) 7 garlic cloves, puree to taste Salt, pepper Lime juice Enough water to boil the meat Ingredients for chili sauce, coarsely mash: 300 gr mixed chilies (large, curly, cayenne pepper) 200 gr red onion step how to cook : 1. Cut the meat. Slice about 1cm thick. Season with garlic, salt and pepper. Let stand 15 min 2. Transfer the meat to the pan, give enough water to cook until the water runs out and the meat is tender 3. Fry the meat in hot oil for a while, you don't need to let it dry. Lift. Drain 4. Coarsely pounded peppers and onions. Peppers and onions can be boiled briefly spy easily pounded 5. Saute chilies and onions in the remaining oil to fry the meat. Give lime juice, salt and a little sugar. Cook until the unpleasant smell disappears 6. Enter the meat into the chili sauce, mix well. Serve Source

Delicious Fried Rice (Nasi Goreng) Recipes That Are Tasty!

 Fried rice is a typical Indonesian food, and is basically the same as other Indonesian food which has lots of variations. Although there are various variations, basically fried rice is fried rice which is then added with various spices for even more enjoyment. In addition, each recipe has its own characteristics. You can really try one or maybe all of the variations of fried rice available. The ingredients are also easy to get. The following is one of the delicious fried rice recipes that you can try, you know. Material : 1 plate white rice 2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped Sweet soy sauce or soy sauce according to taste Chili sauce according to taste Oyster sauce according to taste Salt to taste Chicken or beef broth to taste 1 stalk leek, finely chopped 1 chicken egg 1 chicken sausage, thinly sliced Margarine or cooking oil 3 tbsp How to make : Prepare a frying pan over medium heat, pour margarine or cooking oil. Add the finely chopped garlic and spring onions. Sauté until smells g

Sate Padang recipe typical of West Sumatra, Indonesia

Sate padang UwU Materials (3 servings) 250 grams of beef, blanched. Cut 2 1 stalk lemongrass, smashed 4 pieces of lime leaves 2 pieces of turmeric leaves 2 tamarind seeds 25 grams of rice flour, dissolve in a little water to taste Coarse ground peanuts, 1 L Kurleb water Ground spices : 6 spring onions 4 cloves garlic 3 large red chilies 2 curly red chilies 3 cm turmeric, roasted 1 teaspoon cumin juice 1 cardamom 1 teaspoon coriander powder 1 cm ginger 1 cm galangal, smashed to taste Salt, pepper A little sugar Complementary: The diamond ( Ketupat, not the actual diamond xD) Fried onion Step : 1. Heat a little oil, saute ground spices + lime leaves, turmeric leaves, lemongrass and galangal. Saute until fragrant and cooked 2. Add pieces of meat, stir. Pour water, candied acid, salt, pepper and granulated sugar. Cook until the meat is tender and the water has shrunk. Race test 3. Lift the meat, prick it on a skewer. Bake while greased with cooking oil 4. Heat the remaining sauce, pour the

Original Soto Betawi Indonesia recipe

Erratic weather in the last few months has disturbed the balance of the body. Not a few also experience health problems due to minor illnesses such as flu or fatigue. If it's like this, it's delicious to break the fast with soup so that your stamina is replenished again. And that's why this time we will study the Betawi soup recipe. Indonesia has various types of soup, including soup. Almost every region has a soup recipe with various spices and serving methods. This time we will learn the recipe for Soto Betawi which has a cloudy, but not thick soup. Please see how to make it. Original Soto Betawi recipe Below we will learn about the delicious Soto Betawi coconut milk recipe. Ingredients (for 6 servings): 2500 ml of water 500 ml coconut milk from 1 coconut 400 grams of brisket (brisket / rawonan meat) 200 grams of boiled tripe 200 grams of boiled lungs 10 pieces of lime leaves, bone removed 7 teaspoons of salt 6 cm cinnamon 5 lemongrass stalks, take the white & crush i

How to make Rendang Padang original

Food that never makes you bored even though it takes hours to cook   Materials 1/2 kg of meat (less) 2 coconuts (separate thick coconut milk & thin coconut milk) Ground spices 7 cloves of red onion (puree) 5 cloves of garlic (puree) 3 cm ginger (puree) 2 cm turmeric (puree) 3 pieces of lime leaves A little galangal (puree) 1 turmeric leaf (remove the bone leaves) 1 lemongrass (crushed) 15 cayenne pepper seeds (if you don't like it spicy, you can skip it) 4 tbsp finely ground chilies (to taste) Sufficiently Salt 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg Step : 1. Wash the meat thoroughly 2. Prepare the spices to be mashed 3. Finely grind turmeric, ginger, garlic, shallot, & galangal with 1/2 teaspoon salt. Then roughly grind the cayenne pepper. I suggest that you just grind the spices manually (no need to use a blender). 4. All the spices that have been ground are mixed into the meat. Add the ground chilies. Stir well until the spices soak into the meat 5. Prepare thick coconut milk, add t

Indonesia, Riau Miso Typical Food and How to Make it

  Miso or mieso is a typical Pekanbaru food that is easily found in various corners of Madani City. Apart from Pekanbaru, mieso can also be found in several other areas such as Medan and Pekalongan. For you to know, mieso is a soup that finds various ingredients such as yellow noodles, white noodles, shredded chicken, dry tofu, crispy chicken skin, and pieces of chicken bones. The use of simple ingredients has an impact on the price offered, which is only around IDR 15K per portion. In Pekanbaru there are restaurants that make mieso their main menu. The place is called Mieso Pak Lek which can be found in J. Thamrin Ujung, Pekanbaru. Even though it serves food that can also be found in other food stalls, the mieso served at Miso Paklek has a special taste. In fact, the Miso Paklek food stall was so good that it was crowded with buyers an hour before lunch break. You can see a simple recipe for making Miso Berkuah below : Material : White noodles or vermicelli * 250 gr chicken meat * 1 t